Winterfest 2017 a Success!

Ohkwaliha·Ká Lodge #34 hosted its first Winterfest at Camp Kingsley on Saturday, January 28th.
Participants received information on getting involved with the Lodge Executive Board and training on how to conduct elections.
After lunch, participants went snowshoeing and got to see the snow-covered camp.
The day ended with a full lodge meeting where ideas were discussed on what youth would like to see in their lodge in the near future. Plans of a lock-in were put in place and more information will follow shortly.
Join us and give us your input on our next conference call on Friday, Feburary 10th at 7pm. A link to our GoToMeeting calling service is available in our calendar here. We hope to see you there!

A New Lodge is Born

Earlier this evening, Ohkwaliha·Ká Lodge #34 was officially announced as the name of the merged lodge of Ga-Hon-Ga Lodge #34 and Onterorous Lodge #402. This announcement took place during the first general meeting of the new lodge.
Ohkwaliha·Ká means bear clan in the language of the Oneida Indian Nation. The black bear has been selected as the totem of the new lodge. The election of lodge officers also took place.
Below, you will find key facts about our new lodge, the names of our first class of officers and other information. Welcome to our newfound brotherhood.
If you have any questions about the new lodge please contact lodge adviser Helen Van Houten at