2022 Fall Induction Weekend

Registration Link: https://www.leatherstockingcouncil.org/OAFI22
September 16th-18th, 2022 Camp Kingsley
We will be holding our Fall Induction weekend for our newly elected candidates. We will also be offering a Brotherhood Conversion to all our members who have been active in the Lodge for at least 6 months. All members are encouraged to attend and help us keep camp in great shape. We will also be holding our Lodge Annual Business Meeting and Officer Election on Sunday morning after breakfast. More information on the posts of office will be in the next newsletter and posted on our website and Slack.

New Candidate Information for the Spring Induction 2022

Here is the suggested list of things:

            PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING (use as a checklist):

□       Current BSA membership card or your BSA registration number from the card

□       BSA Annual Health and Medical Record Parts A&B

□       Complete Scout uniform

□       Work clothing – including boots and work gloves

□       Clothing for the weekend (at least one full change)

□       Toiletries

□       Rain gear (it never fails to rain at our events)

□       A Quality Sleeping Bag

□       A Waterproof Tarp (6×8)

□       A Tent for Saturday Night

□       Bug repellent

□       Flashlight with fresh batteries

□       Medication in original container

□       Canteen or water bottle


            FOOD – unless special dietary needs, please include on registration page

            ELECTRONIC DEVICES (Not permitted until Saturday evening)

Please arrive at camp between 7-8pm on Friday, check in at the dining hall.

Camp Address is: 5328 Tuffy Rd, Ava, NY 13303

If you have questions please send them to adviser@oalodge34.org

2022 Spring Induction Weekend

Registration Link: https://www.leatherstockingcouncil.org/content/98428/OA–Induction–Spring-Beaver-

April 22-24,2022 Camp Kingsley

We will be holding our Spring Induction weekend for our newly elected candidates. We will also be offering a Brotherhood Conversion to all our members who have been active in the Lodge for at least 6 months.

Brotherhood eligible members will receive an e-mail in the coming weeks with more information and a chance to take part in an online study session with our Lodge Officers.

Registration closes on Wednesday – Sign up now!

2022 Section E16 Conclave

“Years Ago In The Dim Ages”

  • REGISTER AT THIS LINK: https://ne3b.regfox.com/2022-section-conclave
  • What: The annual gathering of Arrowmen across the 4 lodges of our section, resulting in an awesome weekend of fun and fellowship!
  • When: August 12th-14th, 2022
  • Where: Mt. Norris Scout Reservation, Eden Mills, VT
  • Programs Include:
    • Interlodge Competitions
    • Shows
    • Meeting both the OA Eastern Region Chief and Gateway Region Chief!
    • Interactive Learning Experiences
    • Patch Auction
    • Workshops
    • Open Shooting
    • Delicious food (ICE CREAM!)


Register EARLY (by July 1st!) to receive the exclusive red, white, and blue early registration patch!

2022 Spring Induction & Brotherhood Weekend

Registration Link: https://www.leatherstockingcouncil.org/content/98428/OA–Induction–Spring-Beaver-

April 22-24 Camp Kingsley

We will be holding our Spring Induction weekend for our newly elected candidates. We will also be offering a Brotherhood Conversion to all of our members who have been active in the Lodge for at least 6 months.

Letters will be mailed out to candidates in March.
Brotherhood eligible members will receive an e-mail in the coming weeks with more information and a chance to take part in an online study session with our Lodge Officers.

Any questions can be directed to adviser@oalodge34.org or direct messace @Bun0014 on slack.

Winter Lock-In is back!

After taking a year off, we are hosting our Lock-In Fellowship at Clark Sport Center!

Activities will include swimming, climbing wall, bowling and more.

Scout appropriate active wear for activities, your BSA Health Form A&B and a risk waiver form are required. Risk Waiver Form:

February 12th-13th arrival at 7:00PM pickup 6:00AM

Pre-Registration is required for this and all Lodge Activities: https://www.leatherstockingcouncil.org/content/98427/OA-Lodge-Lock-In—Full-Lodge-Meeting

Cost: $25.00

Pay your Lodge Dues Online

Maintaining your membership in the OA is easier than ever, we are now using the national membership portal and accepting online dues payments in addition to accepting payments at the council office and our events.

OA Membership requirements:
                1. Be a registered member of Scouts BSA in a unit in the Leatherstocking Council.
                2. Be paid for the current dues year with the Lodge.

To check your current dues paid status or update any of your contact information with the lodge you just need to claim your ArrowID and login to https://portal.oa-bsa.org/

If you do not have an ArrowID or need any assistance getting into the membership portal, send an email to adviser@oalodge34.org.

You can pay your Lodge Dues at any OA event, the council office or online: https://forms.tentaroo.com/view.php?id=7865653