Seal your membership in the Brotherhood!

Ever since the inception of the Order of the Arrow in 1915, it was intended that all members should be equal in rank.  Brotherhood membership does not provide a specific degree of rank, status, or special honor like that of the Vigil Honor. Instead, the Brotherhood is an opportunity for members to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the Order. The ceremony is intended as a source of inspiration that motivates brothers to give even greater service to Scouting. An Ordeal member may become a Brotherhood member when he has completed the five Challenges of Brotherhood Membership below:

1.         Memorize the Signs of Ordeal membership:

a.   The Obligation of the Order

b.   The Official Song of the Order

c.   The Admonition

d.   The Sign of Ordeal Membership

e.   The Ordeal Handclasp

2.         Serve your Unit (Troop/Team/Crew) and maintain your registration in Scouting and the Lodge for at least 6 months since completing your Ordeal Ceremony.

3.         Be prepared to explain the following:

a.   The Fourfold Purpose of the Ordeal (The Trials of the Ordeal)

b.   The Four Principal Characters of the Ordeal (Name, Duty, Location)

c.   The Three Symbols of Preparation (Pre-Ordeal Ceremony)

d.   The Significance of the Legend of the Lenni-Lenape

e.   The Meaning of Ordeal Membership (The Principles of our Order)

4.         Complete a short letter of intent to the Lodge Secretary. This letter should be about your service to the Lodge and to your Unit. It should also include goals for yourself and goals that you will help implement to further the success of the Lodge.

5.         Have a knowledge of our Lodge:

a.   Lodge Name

b.   Lodge Number

c.   Lodge Totem

We will be following social distancing guidelines at this event, please bring a face covering. Check in for the event will be 10:00 on October 24th. We will be meeting at the outdoor pavilion at Camp Kingsley. We will be providing a lunch. We will be concluding the day with a General Lodge Meeting, and we will be electing Lodge Officers for the 2020-21 year. Details about the Lodge Offices that are up for election are on page 3 of this newsletter. If you have any questions about the event you can reach out to any Lodge Officer or Adviser on Slack or via e-mail. There is no cost for the event, but you must preregister so we can have enough materials and food for everyone.

Register Here:

2020 Lodge Officer Elections

Lodge Officer Annual Elections

On October 24th, we will be holding the Annual Election of Lodge Officers. The election will be held at the end of our regular Lodge meeting that will start around 2pm at Camp Kingsley. The following positions are up for election: Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice Chief, Lodge Secretary, and Lodge Treasurer. Arrowmen who are nominated to run for office must be in good standing with the Lodge, be under the age of 21 for their whole term and must be able to complete the duties of their position.


    Chairman of the Lodge Executive Committee

    Member of the Key 3

    Oversees all Lodge operations

    Casts deciding vote on all committee ties

    Appoints Chairmen for all committees with the approval of the Key 3

    Responsible for all actions of the Lodge, it’s committees and its members

    Ad-Hoc member of all committees


    Fills in for the Lodge Chief when he is unable to attend meetings or events

    Member of the Lodge Executive Committee

    Performs other duties as designated by the Lodge Chief


    Member of the Lodge Executive Committee

    Take and maintain neatly the minutes of all Lodge meetings and read the minutes for approval at the next Lodge meeting.

    If the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting, he must find a substitute for that meeting to neatly take notes.

    Maintain all past Lodge minutes and records

    The minutes shall have the names of all Officers and Advisers in attendance at each meeting along with the starting and ending times.

    Editor in Chief of the Lodge Newsletter

    Webmaster for the Lodge Webpage

    Responsible for all committees under his direction

    Send approved copy of the minutes to all Lodge Executive Committee members, and Advisers.


    Member of the Lodge Executive Committee

    Submits requests to the Council Service Center for checks to be issued at the behest of the Executive Committee

    Record and maintains all financial records of the Lodge

    Oversees the Trading Post and Lodge inventory

    Presents annual Lodge budget to the Executive Board for review.

    Plans, submits for approval, and oversees all fund-raising events for the Lodge

The procedures for nomination and election of officers will be explained before the election portion of the Lodge meeting. If you have any questions or would like more information about the positions or the election process you can contact or @bun0014 on our Slack.

2020 Vigil Induction

We are planning a socially distanced Vigil Induction at Camp Kingsley on October 24th. Details for the event will be posted in the Vigil Slack channels. If you are interested in helping with the event, please contact Ben Obernesser on slack or via e-mail .

Virtual Conclave

Conclave Announcement!
Topic: Section NE-3B Virtual Gathering

Join Zoom Meeting
Check Slack or your e-mail for the meeting code.

Section Officer Elections will happen at Virtual Conclave
If anyone is interested in running for Section Office please send me a DM on slack or and e-mail ( and I can get you more information.

LLD Canceled

The Lodge Leadership Development that was scheduled for March 21st has been canceled.

NOAC Patch Designs can still be submitted online via email or on slack. All patch designs are still due by March 21st.

Lodge 2020 Lock-In

Ohkwaliha-Ka Lodge 2020 Lock-In

Date:  Feb 28, 2020 to Feb 29, 2020

Location: The Clark Sports Center

124 Co Rd 52 Cooperstown, NY 13326

Join us for swimming, bowling, basketball, pizza, fellowship and MUCH MORE!

General Lodge Meeting at 8:30pm for all OA Members.

Be sure to bring a water bottle and your favorite board game or playing cards, if you wish.

Registration Fee is $20 per person and closes on 02/27/2020.

Pre-registration is required; if you do not wish to pay online you can pay with cash or check at the door.

Be sure to bring your completed BSA Medical Form (Parts A and B) and a completed signed copy of the Risk Waver form. Risk Weaver Form

Participants are asked to arrive promptly at 8:00 PM on Friday and will need to be picked up at 6:00 AM on Saturday.

Those that do not wish to stay the night but would like to attend the Lodge Meeting at 8:30-9:30 do not need to register online but will need to e-mail so we know you are coming.

NOTE: The building will be locked after 9:00pm. Please ensure to arrive during the registration time (8:00-8:30pm) to gain admittance.

Questions can be sent to or posted in the #winter-lockin channel on Slack.

Register Here:

Upcoming Events

Winter Fellowship – Annual Lock-In @ Clarks Sports Center

We are in the process of scheduling our annual winter lock-in at Clarks Sports Center.  More information will be posted on slack and our social media when it becomes available. Questions can be asked on the slack channel: #winter-lockin

March 13th-15th National Leadership Seminar @ Camp Alpine, NJ

The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference focused on the skills and attributes of leadership. The program enhances the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow’s key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their services to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. NLS prepares Arrowmen to become better leaders both within and outside of the Scouting program. Interested Arrowmen should contact Ben Obernesser:

March 21st Lodge Leadership Development (LLD)

Save the date. Our Lodge will be hosting a training day on March 21st. More information to come on slack. Join the #trainings-lld channel to share ideas on what we should offer for sessions at our trainings.

May 29th-31st Spring Induction Weekend @ Henderson Scout Reservation

Save the date. We will be providing service to our camp to prepare it for the summer camp season and our Conclave. This will be the first of two Induction weekends for 2020. For Arrowmen that have been members in the Lodge for at least six months you will have an opportunity to seal your membership on our Brotherhood. If you have questions or would like to help plan the event join us on slack: #inductions.