Upcoming Events

Winter Fellowship – Annual Lock-In @ Clarks Sports Center

We are in the process of scheduling our annual winter lock-in at Clarks Sports Center.  More information will be posted on slack and our social media when it becomes available. Questions can be asked on the slack channel: #winter-lockin

March 13th-15th National Leadership Seminar @ Camp Alpine, NJ

The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference focused on the skills and attributes of leadership. The program enhances the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow’s key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their services to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. NLS prepares Arrowmen to become better leaders both within and outside of the Scouting program. Interested Arrowmen should contact Ben Obernesser: adviser@oalodge34.org

March 21st Lodge Leadership Development (LLD)

Save the date. Our Lodge will be hosting a training day on March 21st. More information to come on slack. Join the #trainings-lld channel to share ideas on what we should offer for sessions at our trainings.

May 29th-31st Spring Induction Weekend @ Henderson Scout Reservation

Save the date. We will be providing service to our camp to prepare it for the summer camp season and our Conclave. This will be the first of two Induction weekends for 2020. For Arrowmen that have been members in the Lodge for at least six months you will have an opportunity to seal your membership on our Brotherhood. If you have questions or would like to help plan the event join us on slack: #inductions.

2019 – Lodge Vital Stats

The Lodge was given a new Performance Measurement Program (PMP) to replace the Journey To Excellence (JTE) system this year. The purpose of these systems is to give a means to track how a Lodge is operating and allow to find area to improve for the next year. The PMP has three levels of measuring a Lodge: No Ranking, Thriving, and High Performing.
In 2019, Ohkwaliha-Ká Lodge has earned the level of Thriving.

Here are some of the highlights from our year:

Lodge Membership: 210 Arrowmen

New Ordeal Members: 51

New Brotherhood Members: 11

New Vigil Members: 3

Hours of Service Provided to Camps: 2400

Arrowmen on our Camp Staffs: 40

We had a great year as a Lodge! Let’s look forward to 2020 to make it an even better year!

Octo-Bear Fest 2019 Recap

Last October we had a fun filled fellowship weekend at Camp Kingsley, our annual Octo-Bear Fest. Weekend activities included a hike around the camp, card and board games, a campfire and Nintendo Switch games. We enjoyed gummy bears, root “bear” floats, breakfast sandwiches, a lunch taco bar and pizza for dinner. During the fun Lodge leadership participated in the OA Thrive conference which discussed the future of the Order.

Lodge Officer Annual Elections

On Sunday September 22nd, we will be holding the annual election of lodge officers. The election will be held at the end of our regular lodge meeting that starts at 9AM at Camp Henderson. The following positions are up for election: Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice Chief, Lodge Secretary, and Lodge Treasurer. Arrowmen who are nominated to run for office must be in good standing with the Lodge, be under the age of 21 for their whole term and must be able to complete the duties of their position. For more information of the duties of each position visit: http://oalodge34.org/wp2/officers/lodge-positions/

The procedures for nomination and election of officers will be explained before the election portion of the Lodge meeting. If you have any questions or would like more information about the positions or the election process you can contact adviser@oalodge34.org or @bun0014 on our Slack.

Arrowmen wanted for Henderson OA Trail Crew

Join us for OA Trail Crew at Henderson Scout Reservation!

When: June 30th-July 6th, 2019

Cost: $150

Ten Camperships are available!

Do you enjoy working in the outdoors? Want to be at camp this summer but have other interests? Enjoy the satisfaction of service to your camp, community, environment, and Scouting? If you’ve answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, or just want to have a great time, then the OA Trail Crew is for you.

Exclusively for Order of the Arrow members, the OA Trail Crew is a program that allows you to come to camp, provide service in the great outdoors on Henderson Scout Reservation’s extensive trail system and property during the mornings, and enjoy everything camp has to offer in the afternoon. Take a merit badge, take a swim, work on a project in the craft lodge, or just relax—it’s up to you.

Trail Crew members live in their own campsite and eat in the dining hall. If your Crew prefers to live out on the trail and cook patrol style, the choice is yours, it’s your Crew! OA Trail Crew members also receive a special limited-edition T-shirt and patch, available only to Trail Crew members.

For more information contact Camp Director David Wittner at

David.Wittner@scouting.org or 315-269-4751

Register now for the Section NE-3B Conclave!

Register for Section NE-3B Conclave by July 15 and receive a special glow-in-the-dark patch!

Conclave Registration: https://ne3b.regfox.com/2019-ne-3b-section-conclave

Conclave Registration: https://ne3b.regfox.com/2019-ne-3b-section-conclave

More information is available: http://www.ne3b.org/

Contact adviser@oalodge34.org for carpooling information.

Our assignment for Section Conclave this year is Saturday afternoon activities.
We will need assistance in running the following activities:
Lodge Tug-o-War, Lodgeball (kickball), Ultimate Frisbee, Gaga Ball,
a chess tournament, and other card and board games!

May Newsletter

Upcoming Events:

May 31st – June 2nd Induction Weekend – Beaver Workday @ Camp Henderson
Join us in for an Ordeal and Brotherhood Induction weekend. We will be working on projects to repair and improve Camp Henderson. Please pre-register with the council office or online: https://www.leatherstockingcouncil.org/OAInductionJune19

June 28th – June 29th Vigil Induction @ Camp Henderson
FOR VIGIL MEMBERS AND VIGIL CANDIDATES ONLY. Vigil members, please join us at Camp Henderson to help us induct new Vigil members. If you are planning to attend, please register with Ben Obernesser: vigil@oalodge34.org

OA Days @ Camp Henderson – Every Wednesday
Every Wednesday during summer camp will be OA day. Please join us for a day of fun, fellowship, and camp service! This is our opportunity to show our pride and spirit. Let our presence be known and our sashes be shown throughout the camp as display of OA brotherhood and cheerful service!

Section NE-3B Conclave
Registration is now open for Section Conclave! See the promotional card in your mailing or visit: https://ne3b.regfox.com/2019-ne-3b-section-conclave for more information.

Other Information:

2019 Unit Elections
The Lodge Elections Committee would like someone from your troop leadership to schedule an election! If you have any questions about elections, please contact adviser@oalodge34.org or contact us on slack: http://owl.li/FQRF30oELWM

2019 Lodge Dues
You can now pay your Annual Lodge Dues for 2019! The $15 can be paid at any lodge event or at the scout office. Checks can be made out to Leatherstocking Council.

Lodge News:

Spring Induction @ Camp Kingsley
We inducted eight new Arrowmen and had one brother seal his membership in the order. Welcome and congratulations to our new members. The lodge helped with various cleanup projects to help get camp ready for the season.

Leadership Changes
On May 1st our Supreme Keeper of the Fire appointed a new Lodge Adviser. The Lodge would like to thank our outgoing Lodge Adviser, Mr. Bret Sage, for his hard work and dedication for the Lodge and the Order. Mr. Ben Obernesser will be taking on the role of Lodge Adviser. Mr. Obernesser is an Eagle Scout from Troop 4 in New Hartford NY and has previously served as an Associate Lodge Adviser and Lodge Adviser.

Join the Conversation! – Join us on Slack!
What is Slack? – Slack is a communications hub that can bring us all together. Slack gives us a common communication platform to chat, share, and work together. As a Lodge, we will be using slack as our primary place for discussion and planning of all Lodge activities. Slack is free and available on all types of devices from phones to desktop computers. All you need to do to connect to us is follow the link:
http://owl.li/FQRF30oELWM If you have questions or need help joining slack please contact:

Lodge to hold induction/fellowship weekend at Henderson Scout Reservation

Join your fellow brothers May 31 – June 2 for a weekend of fellowship and service.

Come join us for a weekend of fellowship and service on May 31 – June 2 at Henderson Scout Reservation! Our induction activities will include welcoming new members into the Order that were elected by their unit, and current Ordeal members sealing their membership in the Order by attaining their Brotherhood membership.

Preregistration for this event will guarantee the lowest price of attendance for this event. Elected candidates and those Ordeal members wishing to seek their Brotherhood should receive a letter with further information regarding what to bring and when to report to camp.

Click here to register now!

Brotherhood Candidates (current Ordeal members who will be attending) should review the OA’s Jumpstart website, especially the section on the “challeneges” to be faced during the ceremony. Don’t worry, they are all self-reflection items and designed to be individual tasks. Visit Jumpstart at http://jumpstart.oa-bsa.org, and consult your OA handbook or Lodge Executive Committee for the password!
We hope to see you at camp to join us in welcoming new members into our lodge!

Questions? Please contact Lodge Chief Grant Crowson or Lodge Adviser Bret Sage.

The Lodge’s first induction weekend of 2019 will be held April 26 – 28 at Camp Kingsley. More information about the Camp Kingsley induction can be found here.

Register now for the spring induction at Camp Kingsley!

Join your fellow brothers April 26-28 for a weekend of fellowship and service.

Come join us for a weekend of fellowship and service on April 26-28 at Camp Kingsley! Our induction activities will include welcoming new members into the Order that were elected by their unit, and current Ordeal members sealing their membership in the Order by attaining their Brotherhood membership.

Preregistration for this event will guarantee the lowest price of attendance for this event, and can be found below. Elected candidates and those Ordeal members wishing to seek their Brotherhood should receive a letter with further information regarding what to bring and when to report to camp.

Click here to register now!

Brotherhood Candidates (current Ordeal members who will be attending) should review the OA’s Jumpstart website, especially the section on the “challeneges” to be faced during the ceremony. Don’t worry, they are all self-reflection items and designed to be individual tasks. Visit Jumpstart at http://jumpstart.oa-bsa.org, and consult your OA handbook or Lodge Executive Committee for the password!
We hope to see you at camp to join us in welcoming new members into our lodge, and current members for taking the next step in their membership and understanding in the Order of the Arrow!

The Lodge will hold another induction and fellowship weekend at Henderson Scout Reservation on May 31 – June 2. More information about the Henderson induction can be found here.

Questions? Please contact Lodge Chief Grant Crowson or Lodge Adviser Bret Sage.